Thursday, July 15, 2010

To Lamb or Not To Lamb: I'mma Lamb!

Good morning!
Happy Thursday! Let us thank the good Lord we’re almost there….Friday is poking its lovely face around the corner.

Alrighty, we’ve shot the shit long enough. So I’m at my desk eating Chobani greek yogurt, blueberry flavored. Yum! If you haven’t tried it, I highly recommend you do, it’s delicious. A bit thick, but for some of you freaks out there, you may like it a little thick. Owww!

Right, so I’ll be moving on now. I’ve done my low budget advertisement of the day. Anyway, so like I said, I’m at my desk eating my yogurt, and my homie and I are chatting via instant message, about what we each had for dinner last night and, of course what we’re each making for dinner tonight. My menu will consist of lemon herb lamb chops, mashed potatoes, and steamed spinach. Didn’t know ya girl could cook huh? I’m a beast in the kitchen. *Cough* Um, I mean I know my way around some pots and pans. Get your mind out of the gutter. ;)

So as my story proceeds, my friend had a problem with my making lamb chops. I mean she didn’t make a stink about it, but she couldn’t see me even eating lamb at all. She said, “They’re babies. How can you eat the babies?” Frankly, I’ve never thought about it much before. Kind of took all the fun out of cooking tonight. I was actually feeling a tad guilty for consuming the poor babies for all these years. And for a moment I felt really bad about it. Then I thought to myself, girl, what the hell?! My name ain’t Elmer Fudd! You know Bugs Bunny always made that fool feel guilty for wanting to even hunt him in the first place. Good lawd! I had to grab a hold of myself; had me almost on the verge. Hell, why should I feel bad about eating lamb? If that’s the case we’d all feel guilty about consuming any living thing.

I don’t know, perhaps I am overlooking some level of moral responsibility to these living creatures. Maybe from now on I could think more about the meats I’m consuming and how these animals are treated. Or…. maybe I’ll continue to not really think about it as much, cook the lamb chops with the mashed potatoes as planned, and let’s say tomorrow, pull out the roast pork to thaw for Sunday night’s dinner with all the trimmings. The possibilities are really endless.

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